Individual solutions
The core of my work is the individual approach. In the systemic family therapy approach, there is no formulaic, one-size-fits-all solution that everyone follows like a standardized fitness program. Everybody has experienced different needs, different desires and different injuries in her/his previous life. When all of these wishes, needs and old injuries come together in a couple relationship, plus the needs and wishes of one or more children, discrepancies are nothing special. As people say: “Under every roof is some pain”. The systemic approach knows no “right” or “wrong”. It shows who contributes what share to a situation. These parts are made visible and, if necessary, changes are worked out together to allow the family, relationship or work team to continue to live without conflict. Blaming makes no sense and leads mainly to escalation.
My goal is to work out individual solutions in each system that everyone can live with. You are the expert for your own system – I can help you to visualize it and find solutions.